Healing Ourselves and The World

Destination Peace is determined to continue to implement a coordinated global response that will meet the unprecedented magnitude of the challenges we face through a universal language and peaceful coexistence.


There has been no greater time to broaden our knowledge on how to cooperate. Now is the historical time, during a global crisis, when our defenses are down and we become self-reflective.


Freud once said “One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.”


Destination Peace believes that this global plague has a humanitarian silver lining, beyond the tragic death toll. It is to remind us that we are all vulnerable.

For a rare time in history, humanity holds in its hands the survival of our species. At this time, by distancing ourselves, we save lives.

When civilization no longer has to quarantine 184 countries, it will finally, at that time, become civilized. We can become civilized!


You may have noticed that we have not been blogging for the past two months, and that’s because on March 5, I had a life-threatening, massive heart attack. What kept me alive – including the doctors and the nurses – was this persistent feeling I had that came over me that I must continue.


As the CEO and Founder of Destination Peace, to continue to travel throughout the world – whether it has to be virtually or physically – to continue to pound out, one note at a time, the universal language of music. We now understand it better! The world is completely connected, almost as if we were transmitting through a phone line. We’re all touching one another – we have to feel the touch back.


And how does that happen when it’s a virtual experience? By understanding that in “virtual,” we hear the word “virtue.” We must remain virtuous as a people. We come together by combining our hearts.


I had a massive heart attack, and now I truly understand what it means to have a new heart, a new beginning.


I pledge, from today on, a new beginning, a rebirthing, so that Destination Peace will not only be in one country, and not only in 184 countries, but perhaps it can go beyond and transcend into the hearts of every human being.

Thank you.

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